Tarot Sessions
I see all of us, everyone, have a deep authentic knowing from within. We are all connected to the energy that creates worlds.
Learn how to tap in to that connection.
A Tarot Reading gives insights into the past, present and future of a question or issue at hand. The reading further allows a more clear understanding of the situation and helps to determine the best course of action based on what is known, what the cards may show and that of your own inner wisdom.
Tarot Sessions
Tarot is an amazing art. Tarot has been used as an oracle and tool since its origins in early Renaissance Italy. It was created with beauty and is sacred. Tarot readings help in so many ways. A few of many:
Allows answers to questions or issues to emerge more clearly
Develops insight into the past, present and future of a situation
Helps determine the best course of action
Individual Tarot Sessions
Individual Sessions help when you are struggling with inner turmoil, an issue or an event from the present or past. Individuals Sessions help clarify situations in which you are stuck and can not seem to find the path out. Readings give you direction, confirmation and the breath to continue forward!
Often life, experiences of childhood and work create layers around our deep internal knowing. My readings are created to help your own innate wisdom to emerge.
Partner Tarot Sessions
Partner Sessions help when relationship issues are causing grief or interrupted peace within a couple or partnership. A reading helps make clear the complex issues that are open or hidden within a relationship. A Tarot Reading assists in finding the path back toward wholeness and a path to a return to clarity.
Family Tarot Sessions
Families are complex systems involving many factors as well as intergenerational trauma. Tarot Readings allow the issue of family systems and the threads of the past and present emerge so that understanding and healing within the family can occur.
Organization/Community Tarot Sessions
Organizations are systems of immense creativity and connections. These connections are as complex as the people within it. An Organizational Reading helps complex issues arise to be examined and clarified. Organization or Community Tarot Readings allow particular issues that are causing stagnation or stalemate to emerge more precisely. This emergence allows action and transformation to occur and allow fluid movement within the organization or community to continue.
In my experience with people, cultures and tribes, I find as human beings we wish to find meaningful work, hope our children succeed further than we do and we strive with deep courage to live in peace and lightness of heart with the ongoing waves of life.
“Working with Cynthia is pure joy. She brings alive the magic and beauty of the Tarot.”
Jordan Rosetti, Psychologist
Belinda Baer, Ayurveda Practitioner
“Cynthia’s readings are incredibly insightful and spot on. It’s amazing to watch her read because the cards unfold an intricate story of my life as she flips them over and interprets each one. I always leave with an action plan to clear old issues and open myself to healing on a deeper level.”
“Today, as in centuries past, Tarot sessions continue as spiritual guidance connecting you to your own inner wisdom.”